Weight = 0.100000
Inside Diameter = 17mm
Outside Diameter = 42mm
Width = 13mm
Seals or Shields = 1 Rubber Seal these bearings have the suffix RS indicating they have a lip seal one side only. The seal gives some protection against ingress of moisture and contaminating particles entering the raceways, thus increasing the life of the bearing
Material = Steel
Clearance = C3 = Internal clearance, simply put, a greater internal clearance between the inner race, outer race and the rolling element, when heat is generated the rolling element expands into the clearance incorporated in production
Rows of Balls =1
Cage Type = Steel
Package Includes:Â ONE (01) Bearing MCB 6302/17 (DG1742 RSC3)
MCB 6302/17 BALL BEARING for HONDA TRX450 2004-2014 17x42x13 mm
MCB 6302/17 BALL BEARING for HONDA TRX450 2004-2014 17x42x13 mm